Get ready to say sayonara to your bat wings ladies! My Sculpted Arms Workout is here to save the mother effing day! Ok, seriously ladies why are we all so freaked out about working out the muscles in our arms. It’s like we would rather torture ourselves for endless hours on the treadmill and not lose a damn pound before we would EVER step foot in the weights section of the gym. And if we are willing to pick up some weights for a little arm workout sesh we decide that the 2 lb weights are fine because “we don’t want to bulk up and look like the Hulk.” Let me make one thing very very clear, you cannot and will not bulk up even using heavier, more challenging weights. (Gasp) YES! It’s true! We, as women, simply do not produce enough testosterone to bulk up quickly like males, which is one of the main hormones that boosts muscle growth. Us ladies have a typical range of 6-86 ng/dl (nanograms per deciliter, yeah I had to google that one). While men, on the other hand, have a normal range of 270-1100. That’s more than TEN times the amount have! What if …